Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Break!

Well this Christmas break was a fun, and relaxing for the first week anyway. Me and Andy really simplified Christmas gifts this year, and so when it was getting closer and closer to christmas, we had all our shopping done, and didn't do much baking, so just enjoyed a quiet, simple Christmas this year in Manti.

Funny Story: Gracie had her birthday the weekend before christmas, and all the relatives went home and so for Christmas Eve it was just us and my mom and G. Allen. We shared our tesitmonies and talked about and watched the nativity. Then actually got the kids to bed by nine and just watched a movie. Well the big Christmas morning came, and I knew Gracie would get up early and see what Santa brought first, because her room is upstairs and she gets up early. So she went out in the living room and saw that Susie and Rosie got something from Santa, but didn't see her BIG PIANO she was expecting, so she went into her room and layed down, thinking if she went back to sleep Santa would come and bring her Piano. She layed there almost in tears, and about 15 minutes later thought, Santa had probably came and left by then, came out and look, and started crying alittle, until she saw her Keyboard on the computer desk and a board game and her stocking. Then she knew Santa hadn't forgotten her!!!! Gracie has a santa's workshop at school and spent her own $ to get Susie a huge pencil.
Susie got from Santa a Beauty Salon to get all dolled up, and Grandma & Grandpa got her make-up to go along with it, so she is all set. oh, and Dad's had his hair done more then anyone else!

Rosie got from Santa a little people Bus, and hand-me-down toys we had in the basement or from my sister Laura.

We all gave Dad Geo Trax to play with, and a Fly Tying kit and a way nice warm coat from my brother Ben (just because he saw Andy looking at coats and saw he needed one, he just went and bought a coat from his work, and sent it down. Thanks Ben!!, very generous)
and I got Bread Pans from Cathy which I've already successfully made bread for the first time ever. And perfume and gift card for clothes, Thanks Cathy!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Merry Christmas!! I can't believe how big the girls are getting :)

Did Andy like the Fly-tying kit? My dad recommended that I get that for him...I hope he likes it!!